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1. Why did Victoria become the major gateway for early Chinese immigration into Canada?
2. How did Victoria’s Chinatown once become a political centre of the global Chinese diaspora?
3. Why was Victoria the major source of both anti-Chinese racism and Chinese anti-racism?
4. Why did Chinatown start from the northern bank of Johnson Ravine?
5. Who owned Chinatown’s buildings in the late nineteenth century?
6. What were the major landscape changes in Chinatown in the early 20th century?
7. What kind of different story does each of five Chinese arches tell?
8. Is the Chinese Public School a typical Chinese building?
9. Why is the Chinese Cemetery located in the most prestigious neighbourhood of Victoria?
10. Which street of Chinatown is in this picture?
11. What building in this picture has now disappeared from today’s Fisgard Street?
12. What is currently located in the place where this building once stood on Government Street?
13. Which associations in Victoria’s Chinatown once served as early headquarters of varied Chinese communities across Canada?
14. What are the “tongs” among Chinese Canadian communities?
15. What was the first Chinese women’s political organization that appeared in the “bachelor society” of Victoria’s Chinatown?
16. Who launched the first transnational Chinese company in Canada?
17. How did Victoria’s Chinatown help nurture the father of modern China?
18. Why is Victoria’s Chinatown still a major gateway for Chinese participation in Canadian multiculturalism?