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Kileasa Wong

Kileasa Wong at the opening of the Chinatown exhibit in the Royal B.C. Museum, February 2013.
Kileasa Wong came to Canada from Hong Kong in 1970. She was a kindergarten teacher in Hong Kong and began teaching at the Chinese Public School on Fisgard Street in 1988. She became principal of the School in 1997. Long involved in Victoria’s Chinese community, Kileasa Wong also became secretary of the Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association in 1997, a post she held until 2013. She was the first woman to hold both of these positions. Kileasa Wong obtained her Masters of Education from the University of Victoria in 1999. Her major project on the “History and Significance of the Victoria Chinese Public School, Huaqiao Gongli Xuexiao 1899-1999” is available on-line. Kileasa Wong worked with Victoria artist and art critic Robert Amos for many years helping to unearth and record in paintings and photos the many facets of Victoria’s Chinatown. Kileasa Wong and Robert Amos together wrote Inside Chinatown: Ancient Culture in a New World published in 2009 by Victoria’s TouchWood Editions.
“History and Significance of the Victoria Chinese Public School, Huaqiao Gongli Xuexiao 1899-1999” at https://dspace.library.uvic.ca:8443//handle/1828/2677.